Why choose Math Genie when there are so many competitors to choose from? We teach & help our students embrace the genius within them through mental math.
Allowing your kids to spend excess time on their IPad/your smartphone can lead to serious harmful effects, from poor behavior to reduced social abilities.
Our kids are not being challenged enough in school. At Genie Academy, the sky is the limit. Anything is possible. Every child can tap into their genius.
Our students are able to utilize their skills outside of the classroom. At Math Genie, students practice & get better at mental math, sports, & music, too.
A reflection essay by Math Genie teacher. She wishes she had the abacus as a kid. She counts down the days till she can enroll her child in the program.
Reading & writing gives us an inner power to grow from within &expand our mind. MG teacher says that with MG he would have loved books from an earlier age.
It takes a month to build a new daily habit that will stick& become part of our daily routine. Bad habits are harder to break than good habits are to keep.