Genie Academy Alumni Gets a Perfect Score on the PSAT & SAT
Somer, Genie Academy graduate, recently earned a perfect score (100%) on the the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) & SAT Math non calculator section. The PSAT is taken in October by juniors and seniors, and receiving a high grade can lead them to qualify for the $10,000 National Merit Scholarship. A high score in the SAT can lead to better college admissions and additional scholarships.

National merit scholarship.
Somer has a high chance of receiving the National Merit Scholarship since earning the perfect mark in the non-calculator math section. She is the only student from her school that got the perfect score.
Somer says that Genie Academy has helped her achieve this great accomplishment. She graduated from the Genie Academy program at the end of 5th Grade which was 6 years ago. Since then she has always gotten the top marks in her class. Her friends always ask her how she got the top marks. Her answer always is Genie Academy.
At Genie Academy she learned Mental Math using the Abacus. The Mental Math and visualization helps her finish homework and in-class assignments swiftly. Even as an eleventh grader, Somer still uses the abacus and mental math strategies that she learned at Genie Academy.
College level Math courses
In addition to Somer’s high PSAT & SAT scores, she also has been taking pre-calculus in high school as opposed to Algebra 2 which most students take at her age.
She is currently a level above the standard New Jersey curriculum and her pre-calculus course is actually a dual credit course with Raritan Valley Community college. This means that once she gets to college, she already has 4 college credits. So she will automatically skip the standard freshman college math.
Somer uses the strategies she learned so long ago in Genie Academy while studying, doing homework, and taking tests. These skills have helped her beyond the classroom and into national standardized testing and early college association.
Mental math is a powerful tool that will carry on for the rest of your child’s life. You too can take advantage of the Genie Academy program by enrolling your child. Our experience has been that kids learn best when you start them young. The younger the better. These are important life skills that will stay with your child for the rest of their life.
Setup a free class at Genie Academy and see how your child can learn Mental Math.