Math Genie promises things to us parents- kids will get better in math, develop their whole brain, improve focus & concentration, etc. Trust me, it's true.
A child who is always scolded may grow up to be indecisive, a people-pleaser, and afraid to express their true passion, fearful of not being good enough.
Learn the basics of teaching addition and subtraction using the abacus, a tool that enhances number sense and combats math phobia. Explore about abacus now
Why choose Math Genie when there are so many competitors to choose from? We teach & help our students embrace the genius within them through mental math.
Rearing confident kids can sometimes feel like a challenge. Consider your compliments, push them and make them work, love their ideas&embrace their talent.
The time is now to make a change in the education of our children. Fight the Covid-slide& help our leaders of tomorrow be the geniuses we know they can be.
Allowing your kids to spend excess time on their IPad/your smartphone can lead to serious harmful effects, from poor behavior to reduced social abilities.
Our kids are not being challenged enough in school. At Genie Academy, the sky is the limit. Anything is possible. Every child can tap into their genius.