The Sully Strategy: How One Dad Turned Reluctant Swimmers into Competitive Champs

Posted by Lovejoy on June 24, 2024


How-One-Dad-turned- Reluctant-Swimmers-into-Competitive- Champs

Boris K's two sons hated swimming. He really wanted to teach them this important life skill. Here is how he transformed them swim champs. You can apply his approach to overcome your child's reluctance in learning other important life skills. 

The Reluctance to Swim

Boris's two boys, David (Pre-K) and Jeremy (Grade 1), initially found swimming intimidating. The rigorous and somewhat harsh initial swimming lessons, where they were thrown underwater, were understandably scary for them. This fear led to tears and an aversion to returning to swim classes. However, Boris firmly believed that swimming was a vital life skill, on par with reading and math. He knew he had to find a way to motivate his sons beyond just telling them it was important.

The "Sully" Strategy

Boris's breakthrough came from an unexpected source: the movie "Sully." The film, which depicts the true story of pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger safely landing a plane on the Hudson River, provided a dramatic and real-life scenario where swimming could mean the difference between life and death. Boris showed his boys a crucial scene from the movie where passengers had to swim to safety after the emergency landing.

This visual, emotional, and practical example struck a chord with David and Jeremy. The boys realized the importance of being able to swim in a life-threatening situation. Boris explained to them that such an emergency could happen on any of their regular flights to Florida. The powerful imagery and the realistic scenario made them see swimming in a new light.

The Transformation

The result was almost immediate. The boys' "aha" moment led to a complete turnaround in their attitude towards swimming. They eagerly returned to their swim school, hugging their teachers and showing unprecedented enthusiasm. Their teachers were taken aback by the sudden change but quickly embraced it. Over time, David and Jeremy not only mastered swimming but also began competing in swim meets for their township, Woodbridge.

Applying the Strategy to Other Areas

Boris’s success with swimming led him to consider how similar strategies could be applied to other areas of learning, such as math. He discussed how showing children the real-world consequences of not learning a skill could be more effective than just telling them. For instance, using movies or real-life examples where math skills are crucial could help children understand its importance in a tangible way.

Practical Steps for Parents

Identify the Fear or Reluctance: Understand what is causing your child’s resistance. Is it fear, boredom, or lack of understanding of the skill's importance?

Find a Relatable Example: Use movies, stories, or real-life scenarios that illustrate the practical importance of the skill. Make sure these examples are visual and emotionally engaging.

Show, Don’t Just Tell: Instead of just explaining why a skill is important, show them. For swimming, it was the scene from "Sully." For math, it could be a scene from "The Imitation Game" or "Good Will Hunting."

Reinforce with Positive Experiences: Once your child is motivated, ensure their learning experience is positive. Encourage them, celebrate their progress, and make the learning environment supportive.

Consistency and Patience: Transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Be consistent with your approach and patient with your child’s progress.


Boris’s innovative approach to motivating his sons is a testament to the power of relatable, visual examples in teaching life skills. His success story serves as an inspiration and a practical guide for other parents facing similar challenges. By finding the right hook that resonates with your child, you can turn resistance into enthusiasm and help them develop essential skills that will benefit them for life. So, the next time your child resists learning something important, think about how you can show them its value in a way they can truly understand and relate to.

Topics: Parents, Parenting, Parenting Tips, Parenting Skills

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