Posts about Core Learning

Why are many American students falling behind in math?

U.S.A. Math Standards are Declining


Why are many American students falling behind in math? In this article, find out the factors that contribute to the decline in US math standards.

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Unpacking new jersey's common core math standards for 2nd graders

Unpacking New Jersey's Common Core Math Standards for 2nd Graders


What will your child learn in 2nd grade math? Find out New Jersey's common core math standards to better support them in school.

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understanding 1st grade math new jersey standards

Understanding the Magic of New Jersey's 1st Grade Math Standards


Is your child preparing for 1st grade math in New Jersey? Take a look at its 1st grade math standards to optimize your child's growth.

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Do Young Students Need High-Level Math?


Young students should be exposed to advanced math since they have a greater ability to absorb & retain everything they learn through their neural pathways.

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Genie Academy Has In Person Classes


Math Genie has put many safety protocols into effect like taking temperature, constant sanitizing, plexiglass desks& reduced class size among other things.

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Why your child needs phonics to learn how to spell


By learning phonics, your child can begin recognizing spelling patterns in the sounds of words. This will help them become a more accurate speller.

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Recent Reviews of Genie Academy Online Learning


Read reviews from parents on Math Genie's online classes during the coronavirus pandemic. Learn how remote learning worked well for their child.

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New Age Manufacturing & the Importance of Mathematics


growing number of job opportunities in manufacturing and production fields require basic math skills or math, science, physics refresher courses

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This Second Grade Common Core Problem Has Engineers Stumped!


Crack the 2nd-grade Common Core challenge with Genie Academy! Discover how we simplify the confusing standards, ensuring your child's success in school.

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Standardized Testing & Graduation: From HSPA to NJSLA


Understand the evolution and current state of standardized testing and graduation requirements in NJ. Learn about the transition from PARCC to NJSLA.

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What To Do Next…

1 Get your free 60-minute Child Assessment and learn:

  • If your child is learning at the appropriate age level.
  • Your child’s strengths and where they need additional help.
  • If your child has an affinity for a particular subject, they may excel in.
  • Our professional recommendations and learning strategy for your child.
  • And much more…

2 Have more questions? Call us at 732-651-2700 to discuss your Child's specific needs.