Genie Academy Teaching Philosophy

Everything begins with an assessment

Each Genie Academy child will receive an evaluation that will tell our expert teacher about the child's strengths and learning needs. This in-depth evaluation will include the following:

Math Genie teaching philosophy is based on the following principles:


  • Anybody can learn anything…

….as long as they are motivated to learn and have the right framework. The only exception to this could be a physical impairment. However, we see countless examples where a physical impairment didn't prevent someone from acquiring a difficult skill. The best example is Jessica Cox, who is the only person without arms to be a licensed pilot. Watch this:


Why is that important? We won't give up on your child. If your child struggles we will keep trying different approaches and keep motivating them until we break through. However, you need to play your part and meet us halfway to make sure you keep motivating your child and inculcate good habits and routines. 

  • Learning Style.

Everybody learns differently. We try to find our students’ learning strategy and modify our teaching to match that. Most teaching is visual, so an auditory or kinesthetic learner may struggle if the teacher is visual. However, if a child is an auditory or kinesthetic learner we will modify our teaching to match that. 


Why is that important? Most students struggle to learn because the teacher’s teaching style doesn't match the student’s learning style. It’s like you are talking Spanish to a Chinese speaker. 


  • Stages of learning.

You can compress years of learning into months if you teach in the right Stage. This is based on the Shu Ha Ri, a Japanese Martial Arts concept. Wikipedia describes Shu Ha Ri as follows. 


  • shu (守) "protect", "obey"—traditional wisdom—learning fundamentals, techniques, heuristics, proverbs
  • ha (破) "detach", "digress"—breaking with tradition—detachment from the illusions of self
  • ri (離) "leave", "separate"—transcendence—there are no techniques or proverbs, all moves are natural, becoming one with spirit alone without clinging to forms; transcending the physical

       The co-creator of Math Genie has used this concept to help a former Math Genie Student to Solo fly an airplane. Read more here. 


  1. Positive Reinforcement. 

The Co-Creator of Genie Academy was raised in India. He was educated in different Catholic schools, where Corporal punishment was the norm. Due to this and other reasons he struggled in school, barely graduating from college with a Second Class degree. 

Here at Math Genie we use positive reinforcement to help students model the desired behavior. If they make a mistake, we don’t berate them. We show them how it’s done and ask them to model us. Once they get it we praise them so they are motivated to keep doing it the correct way. It's very powerful. Animal Trainers have known this for years. 

Learning Style Analysis

Our expert teachers will assess the child based on how they learn best. Because each child is unique in their Learning Style/Strategy, one of the most crucial elements of our assessment is to determine each child's individual modality of learning. Some children learn visually (by seeing). Others learn kinesthetically (by moving/touching). Others learn using their auditory (hearing) ability. There are even children who learn by using an Internal Digital Learning Strategy (in which they use self-talk and internal dialogue to learn).

Intelligence Analysis

Each child will receive an intelligence analysis to determine which intelligence(s) is/are strongest for them. This analysis is based on Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, in which he believes that children's intelligence is not just based on a general IQ score, but should be based on the type of intelligence that each child possesses. We believe that each and every child can learn and become a genius using their strongest intelligence.

Arithmetic Analysis

In this assessment, we will determine where the child currently is in terms of arithmetic ability. This includes adding and subtracting, knowledge of math symbols, writing numbers, counting, and identifying numbers. This will give us an idea of what the child needs improvement on and their current strengths.

Times Table Analysis

For children in grades 2 and up we will conduct a times table analysis. This will be a basic assessment of their knowledge of multiplication facts. Students must know multiplication facts at just about this grade level to succeed in the coming years.

Application Analysis

All students must know arithmetic, but they must also know how to apply the arithmetic strategies and processes that they know. This application knowledge is measured using word problems. This analysis will show us how well the child is able to apply the mathematic knowledge that they already have.

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Individualized Strategies for Improvement /
Enrichment and Recommendations for Success

Through the individual evaluation, the evaluator will learn quite a bit about a child's individual strengths and needs. The evaluator will then create an in-depth recommendation outline of what each and every child evaluated needs to ensure that they will succeed. This outline will provide recommendations for strategies that will enhance the child's learning experience, ultimately leading to their success in all areas.

The Genie Academy Method

Assignment to
Appropriate Class

Based on each child's reading level, fluency, comprehension, overall ability, and age, the class coordinator will make recommendations for a class that would work best for the individual child. Assignment to classes also takes into account parent and child availability and preferred days/times.

In-class Instruction
and Homework

Students will be provided with an individualized program based on their needs and learning style (both in the classroom and at home). This program can include a focus on the following areas:

  • Basic Addition and Subtraction
  • Simple Patterns
  • Complex Patterns
  • Complex Application of Patterns
  • Times Tables
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Decimals

Ninja Black Belt Techniques

Throughout all of the instructions, students will be:

  • Applying skills learned to mental math
  • Practicing visualization
  • Gaining smart learning strategies
  • Self-monitoring
  • Learning with purpose
  • Attaining focusing techniques

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